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5 Months Pregnant, The Period That Is Often Considered Most Comfortable

Some women state that at 5 months pregnant, they feel most comfortable. Even in the second trimester is considered the safest time to travel or vacation. If during 4 months of pregnancy you sometimes still feel nauseous, then during this period the nausea usually decreases. Your body starts to adjust to do activities with an enlarged abdomen. You also begin to feel and enjoy the movement of the Small in the womb.

How Does Fetal Growth?

At 5 months of pregnancy or entering this 21st week, your baby generally has a length of about 21-22 cm, weighing about 340-360 grams. Your fetus resembles a baby ready for birth, but in a very small size. Pancreatic organs are more mature, lips are more formed, and the eyes look more perfect. But the iris or the inside of the eyeball still needs more pigment. The eyelids and eyebrows have formed.

21 weeks old

  • The weight of the baby is now starting to weigh more than the placenta.
  • His body was covered with fine hairs named lanugo which allegedly played a role in keeping the baby's body at the required temperature. Lanugo will usually disappear before the baby is born.
  • The baby's eyelids have finished forming.
  • Little has been moving and in the meantime the digestive organs also become more mature.
  • The vagina in the female baby has been formed and will continue to develop until the time of birth.
  • Your baby gets oxygen from you through the placenta. The lungs are not functioning properly, but the baby starts to practice breathing to prepare for life outside the womb.

22 weeks old

  • Baby's nails have started to grow on the tips of the fingers.
  • The baby has started to swallow amniotic fluid, as a sign that digestion has begun to be used.
  • The baby's eyes have begun to form, but the underside has not pigmented.
  • The baby's body is proportional, but still thinner than a newborn baby.

23 weeks old

  • Hearing is more perfect. Now he can hear your heartbeat and the sound of movement in your stomach. Including sounds from outside, such as barking dogs, TV sound, and the sound of conversation around the mother.

24 weeks old

  • Now the baby has a little fat, although the skin is still very thin and weak.
  • The brain develops very quickly.
  • The fingerprints are growing.
  • The lungs develop and form respiratory branches.
  • Despite the risk of disability, babies born prematurely at and after 24 weeks have the opportunity to live because the development of their lungs and vital organs is more mature though incomplete.
  • At the age of 24 weeks, babies are around 600 grams and 30 cm.

What Changes Happen to Mother's Body?

You might gain 5.5-7 pounds this month. After that your weight gain will range from 200 to 250 grams per week. Many women find 5 months pregnant to be the most pleasant moment. During this period, nausea and vomiting, which is often experienced in early pregnancy, does not feel any more. You also begin to get used to move with an enlarged abdomen. At 5 months pregnant, your stomach will grow faster. You will feel hungry more often than usual. But make sure you continue to adopt a healthy diet. Stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, and breasts can generally begin to appear at 22 weeks of pregnancy. At first stretch marks will look red, then fade to gray. Your breasts will also feel fuller as an early sign of preparation for breastfeeding. To avoid swollen feet after standing or walking for a long time, make it a habit to sit after a while standing. Wash your face twice a day especially if zits start appearing on your oily skin. Some women will experience increased vaginal discharge. This is quite normal as long as there is no bleeding and the fluid is colorless, odorless, and does not cause itching and pain. An enlarged uterus and pressure on the bladder also put you at risk of frequent urination.

What should be checked?

When 5 months pregnant you need to do a general examination such as blood pressure, body temperature, body weight of the mother and baby. Another thing to watch out for is normal or abnormal fluid coming out of the vagina. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish urine fluid from amniotic fluid that does not smell. Rupture of membranes can occur suddenly and amniotic fluid flows from the vagina. Amniotic water that flows suddenly in large volumes can be a significant differentiator. To watch out, check yourself if you experience unusual symptoms, whether it's vaginal discharge that is not as usual or bleeding. In addition, in addition to stretch marks, itching during pregnancy can also be caused by other disorders, but quite rare, such as obstetric cholestatic liver disorders. There is also a risk of premature birth, which can now be detected by fetal fibronectin (fFN). fFN is a protein found in the amniotic sac and fetal membrane that can be used as a reference if there is a risk of premature birth. Given that the protein will disappear after gestation above 22 weeks, then the 21-22 week period is the right time to undergo this test for those who experience symptoms such as stomach cramps and changes in vaginal fluid.

What Are Things To Look For?

Although 5 months of pregnancy is a pregnancy that most women feel is the most comfortable period, there are still many things that need to be done and avoided for the health of mother and baby, among others:
  • Stretch marks that begin to appear sometimes will cause itchy skin. Use lotion to keep skin dry and help reduce itching.
  • Eyes that are more sensitive, dry, and get tired quickly are a common condition in pregnant women. Make sure you get enough rest to reduce the risk of this dry eye.
  • Your baby can hear. Some people believe that by playing music, especially classical music, babies can bring positive benefits to the fetus. Although the scientific benefits cannot be ascertained, but there is no harm in trying the same thing to make yourself more awake mood.
  • Consume enough fluids to avoid swelling in certain parts of the body. Prioritize consuming mineral water, then other drinks, like juice and milk. Avoid consuming fizzy soft drinks, coffee, and tea which actually makes the body more at risk of dehydration, and the risk of increasing fetal heart rate if consumed in excess. The intense yellow color of urine indicates that you are not drinking enough water.
  • Heartburn is a symptom that is often experienced by pregnant women. If you experience this, try to reduce the portion of your meal and consume it with a more frequent frequency.
Once accustomed to the movement of the baby during 5 months of pregnancy, then 6 months of pregnancy, the baby will be more responsive to sound and movement. Pregnant women 's own body movements may get heavier due to an enlarged abdomen, but you need to keep moving actively to keep the body of the mother and baby healthy.


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